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Dating Ballroom Dancers
Posted by Eleanor
6/8/2005  10:53:00 AM
I am a 61 year old widow who loves Ballroom dancing. Does anyone know of a website specifically for singles who are interested in ballroom dancing?
Re: Dating Ballroom Dancers
Posted by jpbdance
6/9/2005  4:45:00 PM
Take a look at DancePartner.com. You could specify your ad to your situation. Might be worth a try.

However, now that at age 66 I'm a bona fide medicare beneficiary and social security recipient (while still working full time), I see a need for an IT (information technology) or other forum to help those of us of mature years who love to dance and are still lively get together on the dance floor.

Where do you live, Eleanor?

Jim B

Re: Dating Ballroom Dancers
Posted by Rick Sunchez
3/7/2022  3:18:00 PM
I am looking for a new girlfriend for myself, since I broke up with my ex. We were friends for a long time and I knew her just as long. But I absolutely do not know how to meet new people. I have always had shyness and restraint. How do people now meet on the Internet, do you have any advice?
Re: Dating Ballroom Dancers
Posted by musicismagic
9/16/2022  10:29:00 PM
Finding new friends can be hard. I've found that participating in any type group dance lesson helps you meet others who share your interests. seeing people over & over each week let's you get to know them gradually and it can lead to long lasting friendships.
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