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Re: Dancing with the stars..
Posted by operabob
6/17/2005  8:40:00 AM

Do you mean Vancouver, BC or Vancouver Washington?

In Vancouver, BC it's on BCTV and ABC at 9:00 pm Wednesday nights.

Re: Dancing with the stars..
Posted by dancingfree
6/17/2005  11:13:00 AM
I agree that Evander was a draw and I think people have been way too critical about his dancing considering his background. Joey is not impressive at all, I cringed everytime he did a jive basic.....and his posture gets worse everyweek not better. Unfortunately, Kelly may beat out Rachel next week,only because she has such a huge fan base....plus Rachel has done nothing to endear herself to the audience. Kelly gets sympathy votes because the judges treat her so badly, even though she can't dance....My favorite is John, he laughs, jokes about his training, he treats his coach/partner with respect and generally has a very sportsman like attitude. Plus, he is a pretty good dancer who puts attitude into the routine. Just a couple of thoughts....can't wait for next week!
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