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no subject
Posted by sara
7/4/2007  10:08:00 PM
i think ur partner's hight is short and u have to go out with him with high hells so he should be taller than u with high hells but eventhough i have a same problem too but i really dont care because i have my partner and who cares?????
no subject
Posted by britney
7/4/2007  10:10:00 PM
i have a same problem too but he is only 1 inch shorter than me with heels and it doesn't matter because i dont wear high heels and he doesn't look that short compare to me
Re: male vs. female height
Posted by dheun
2/26/2008  12:54:00 PM
I believe I have mentioned this before that my wife is at least 3 inches taller. During our lessons, my instructor tells us we look fine because it forces us to stay in a good, upright ballroom position. He has on occasion, even lowered our arms a bit to make it look more natural. So I have no problem with it, and actually find it difficult to switch to a shorter partner sometimes. However, when we have danced in a show and I am in a suit coat, I tend to find out too late that, even though I can move my arms and extend for the turns and keeping good lines, I look kind of stiff because the coat tightens up in the shoulders. I don't think it would do that if my partner was the same height or even shorter than my 5-6. I would add, however, that my wife tends to wear flatter shoes, rather than heels. I agree with the poster that says if it feels pretty good and both dancers know the steps, it probably looks pretty good, too.
Re: male vs. female height
Posted by Serendipidy
2/26/2008  6:52:00 PM
The last four demonstrators to visit our shores and to demonstrate at our championships none of the men have worn tails or even a jacket. What can look better than the way William Pino dresses and can be seen on youtube. An ordinary jacket can be a problem in the shoulders. I think it is the padded shoulders which cause the problem. Back to competitions There is no rule which says tails have to be worn.
Re: male vs. female height
Posted by 8count
2/29/2008  10:09:00 AM
many of partners have height issues. its not that big of a deal.
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