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Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Nettie
6/30/2008  7:57:00 AM
Jack MvGregor was my uncle and we just found out today that Bemil, his wife, died in February.; This means my mother, his sister, Agnes, is the last of the family and she is feeling very low. Does anyone have any video footage of Jack and Bemil dancing? My mum would love to see him dance again.
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by terence2
7/1/2008  1:04:00 AM
Am so sorry for your loss.

" Jock " was a very good friend of mine.. in fact.. I was the one that got him a sponsor for a work visa in the States back in 1963, whilst I was working in LA.
He later Judged for me in a comp. that I ran , and used to use my studio for lessons on occasion.

Many that do not know , and or have not seen he and Bemil dance, should know that they were one of the outstanding couples of the 50s, and made "finals " at pro level regularly .

There is old footage of some 50s comps, that crop up on U tube from time to time.. would venture a guess that they are on one of those
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Polished
7/1/2008  9:48:00 PM
If you let me have your E Mail address I can send you a couple of photos I have of Jack and Bemil.Apart from my parents my first teacher was Bemil and later Jack. It was just after she won the Festival of Britain Beauty Queen Contest. They did create a record when at the " Star " ( that was one of the big ones )which was held each year. They won the Amature Title and exactly one year later made the final in the Professional. Quite a feat. They were very popular. If they were demonstrating at the Hammersmith Palais on strict tempo night you could be sure of a full house. He did take to Japan a movie of the " Star " ( no videos in those days ). Which on it he was in the Professional Final. Bemil had a sister who at that time was a singer with a band in Germany. Best wishes.
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Nettie
7/3/2008  12:34:00 AM
Many, many thanks. My email address is nettiethomson@hotmail.co.uk. It is great to learn some new things about my uncle and aunt. I shall certainly search youtube again for some footage. I told my mum what you both told me and she was in tears hearing about her brother. You have helped her to remember a lot about Jack.

Good luck with all you do and, again, many many thanks.
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Anonymous
7/26/2008  8:16:00 PM
Hi,This is your cousin,your mum was my dads sister,Alex McGregor, you will remember us ,we are alex,donald,marie,may,william and margaret mc gregor,i just found out reading this that aunt Bemil died,is uncle jack still living,this is from MAY MC GREGOR
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Polished
7/27/2008  7:30:00 PM
Nettie. I've got another one if I can find it. I took it myself at the Empress Hall Star Ballroom Championships. It was taken from high in the gallery. Jack and Bemil are the nearest to the camera. Wally Laird is there too dancing Modern. Did your mother come from Gowan . I believe Jack had worked in the Shipyard there . Bemil was a London girl from Highgate I believe. Cheers
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Anonymous
7/28/2008  12:36:00 PM
Hi Annette

So nice to find you. I have been trying to find out about you your mum and jack.
My oldest child Leanne got married last year, Leanne and her husband took dance lessons from a teacher that was taught by Jack.

If you would email me your phone no i would love to call and have a chat with you.

Margaret Mcgregor/Kyle
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by margaret mcgregor
7/28/2008  1:15:00 PM

I couldn't believe my eyes when my sister emailed me your letter.
I am netties cousin and was also trying to find out about my family i haven't seen in years. Would you mind emailing me the photos you have of jack and bemil They would be great to show my children as i have spoken to them for many years about jack and bemil and it would be lovely to show my children photos of them.

Thank you so much
Margaret Mcgregor
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Polished
7/28/2008  4:51:00 PM
Margaret. Give me your E-Mail address and they are on their way. There has to be photos of Bemil tucked away in newspapers in the UK. She was Miss Great Britain. Festival of Britain Beauty Queen in 1952.
Bemil used to make her own competition dresses and regulaly won the best dress at the Star Ballroom Championships. Which was sponsored by the Star newspaper, a late afternoon London newspaper.
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by marymc
8/16/2008  3:08:00 PM
TO POLISHED...... ,Hi,can i be a pest and ask for jack and bemils pics,i am margarets sister MAY,our mags has been busy with the wedding of her daughter and been in touch with annette [NETTIE],BY the time you have finished you will be sick to death with the Mc Gregors, my email address is marydoll1361@aol.com, IF IT IS NOT TO MUCH TROUBLE TO YOU, i found a pic of aunt bemil in germany,with the miss great brittain,i have searched for the title that you wrote about but could not find it,thanks to you we know a lot about uncle jack and aunt bemil,if it was not for you we would still be in the dark about them,many thanks for all that you have done for the mcgregor family,wishing you ,health,wealth and much happiness for your future,thank you so much again,from MAY MC GREGOR

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