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viennese walz crossbody lead step
Posted by goretti
9/3/2011  6:15:00 PM
I was just wondering if you had a demonstration video of the cross body lead in the viennese waltz.

Thanks a mill...
Re: viennese walz crossbody lead step
Posted by Waltz123
10/24/2011  2:23:00 PM
Yes. The American style Viennese Waltz Cross-Body Lead is here:

In its simplest form, the Cross-Body Lead is barely distinguishable from the basic Reverse Turn. But if you look closely at the lady's position on steps 5-6, you'll see the promenade position and subsequent swivel.

To see one with a little more zing, check out the Cross-Body Lead to Underarm Turn Left here:

This version will give you a clearer picture of the real purpose of the movement, which is to create space in the dance position, typically in preparation for an underarm turn.

Note that the basic Cross-Body Lead is an intermediate bronze figure, and requires free basic membership to view the video. (The written info is always available to the public for all figures, however). The Cross-Body Lead to Underarm Turn Left is a full bronze figure, and so it requires premium membership to view.

Jonathan Atkinson
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