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Posted by Stephen Ilk
1/18/2001  11:34:00 AM
I'm having problems connecting to the site for the rumba videos. In fact, I've noticed that accessing and downloading the videos for the dances (Apple) is a hit or miss proposition. Can you do something to increase the reliability of the sites.

When do expect to include videos for the ISTD rumba figures?

Thanks for all of the effort you're devoting to bringing us professional dance expertise.

Oh, while I'm connected, when do you expect to provide us with something on the bolero? Or should I direct my enquiries to the forum?

re: Bolero
Posted by Administrator
1/28/2001  4:08:00 PM
Can you do something to increase the reliability of the sites.

Unfortunately, not without paying a lot more money than we have. The best solution is multiple mirror sites and dedicated servers, but then we're talking about thousands of dollars per month, as opposed to $50 - $100 per month, which is what our current budget allows.

As time goes on, I hope to be able to bring in more income from sales of products and pay-for-download video. This is turn will help us grow and expand our capabilities. But this is where we are right now, and it's certainly better than what we started with. So with a little time and patience, things will continue to improve.

When do expect to include videos for the ISTD rumba figures?

After Samba. The order is: Salsa, then the next dance Lesson, then Samba, then Rumba. I just finished the Salsa (later than I'd hoped), so I'm getting to work on the next dance lesson now. I think we're looking at about a month before I begin work on it, and then possibly about another two to three weeks after that before Int'l Rumba is complete.

Oh, while I'm connected, when do you expect to provide us with something on the bolero? Or should I direct my enquiries to the forum?

That is unfortunately low on the list of priorities. American rhythm is in general, just because so much of it is redundant with Int'l Latin. As far as basic patterns and dances are concerned, we're going to spend a lot of our time and energy over the next little while on Int'l Latin and American / social style smooth. Standard will come after that, and then finally Rhythm.

Thanks for your support. Good questions.

Jonathan Atkinson

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