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Re: Hardest Latin Dance
Posted by Gunsliger
5/8/2016  3:36:00 AM
I agree..
Argentine Tango ( not ballroom tango), is a very difficult dance to be a pro.
However..once you do it well, the fire, intensity and passion are second to none.
The difficulty in argentine tango is developing the chemistry with your partner. Its tough to do that and really develop a connection. Thats why you dance the argentine tango- to feel that connection with both the partner and the music.
Its not right to say that the arg tango is the only true latin dance, etc..
My suggestion would be to try all of them out as it depends on the individual. What connects to you may be different from me.
Re: Hardest Latin Dance
Posted by terence2
5/9/2016  12:47:00 AM

" It's not true to say . etc ".

There is, effectively NO true latin dance in the BR world. They are all hybrids. Even T/Arg has evolved .

The closest thing to authentic latin is.. Danzon and Cuban Son/ Casino.
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