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19. Promenade Pivot
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Promenade Pivot
Dance / Level:Full Bronze American Style Foxtrot
Aliases:Pivot from Promenade Position, Promenade Turn, Natural Promenade Turn

The Promenade Pivot is not actually a pivot taken in promenade position as the name might seem to imply, but a figure that begins and ends in promenade, where the man closes to lady in order to dance a pivot, before opening back up to promenade again. It is a popular figure among both social and competitive dancers, but it requires considerable attention to the technique in order to execute comfortably.

The figure is danced to the usual Foxtrot SSQQ timing, and begins in promenade position with the first "slow" walk being taken as per most bronze promenade figures. On the second "slow" count the man turns to his right, closing up to the lady to back the line of dance. They then dance a pivot/pivoting action over the "quick-quick" counts, returning to promenade position on the end of the second "quick". This can be repeated as desired, or followed by another promenade figure. The most common ending is to follow with a basic Promenade, with lady closing to man over the last 3 steps.

Like most promenade figures in bronze Foxtrot, the Promenade Pivot can be danced as written, starting with a simple walk in promenade, or it can be preceded by almost any other figure that ends in promenade, such as 1-3 Twinkle or Back Twinkle, or Promenade with Underarm Turn to Right. In this case, the preceding figure is danced in lieu of the first step. For example, steps 1-3 of Twinkle would be followed by 2-4 Promenade Pivot. For a full list of preceding figures, refer to the "preceded by" tab.


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