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21. Cross Hesitation Fact Sheet
The Cross Hesitation is an ending to many promenade figures such as the Open Telemark (fig. 19) and Open Impetus (fig. 20). The word Hesitation refers specifically to the man's foot positions, as he takes only one step over 3 counts of music -- hesitation timing. The lady, however, does not dance a hesitation; She takes 3 steps, in an action best described as a Reverse Corte (fig. 10) from promenade position, closing to the man by the third step. At the end the lady is in closed position, ready to step forward outside partner on the man's right side. The Cross Hesitation can move along line of dance, or toward diagonal wall or diagonal center, depending on the preceding figure. Popular combinations include the (1) Open Impetus to Cross Hesitation, where the Cross Hesitation moves toward and ends with man facing diagonal center, and (2) Open Telemark to Cross Hesitation, where the Cross Hesitation moves toward and ends with man facing diagonal wall (see video demonstrations). The Cross Hesitation as written in the man's and lady's charts splits the difference between the two, moving along and ending with man facing line of dance, which could follow a Whisk (fig. 5), or any Weave, Outside Change or Turning Lock ended in promenade position.
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