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13. Rock to Corte Fact Sheet
The Rock to Corte is a short amalgamation of 6 counts, which begins with a rock step (quick quick) followed by a Corte lunge (slow, slow). This 6-count combination is typically danced twice and followed by a Tango Close for a total of 6+6+4, or 16 beats. The rock step can be danced with or without turn. Beginners are often taught without turn as a simple way to learn the foot placements, however it's actually smoother and slightly easier to execute when turn is taken on the rock step. A common technique of turn and alignments mirrors that of the Open Left Turn to Outside Swivel: Man begins facing diagonal center and turns 3/8 over steps 1-2 to take the Corte down line of dance, finishing facing against line of dance. The next 6-count action begins with man facing against line of dance, turning 3/8 to take the corte diagonal center against line of dance, and ends facing diagonal wall. The Tango Close can be danced without turn, or turned up to 3/8 to left, allowing for many possibilities of finishing alignments. As with all combinations using this 6 + 6 + 4 phrasing, either of the 6-count movements can be replaced with any other 6-count movement, such as a 6-Count Basic, 1-4 of Open Left Turn to Outside Swivel, Closed or Open Promenade, etc.
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